Monday, May 17, 2021

Financial Mindset

- Financial Mindset -
Here are some basic concepts I have gathered together about a financial mindset:

- Your Net worth (wealth) is how much money you own. 
Net Worth: How much you have minus how much you spend/owe (or spend as an investment).

- How those subscriptions suck out your wealth - ↓↓↓

The snowball effect, ----> or expense over time, can be an insidious exponential expense over time that can build significantly
(Think, would you rather forget having Netflix $10/mo. for 10 months for $100 total or put that money in bulk towards paying off a necessity, i.e. new pair of glasses, car maintenance, clothes, etc..?)

+Imagine you and your family's money rolling up 💸 until it rolls down a hill into the trash! 🗑️ That is the snowball effect+

* The snowball effect falls into the same category as Interest fees on all types of loans *

- Pay more now, spend less later technique -
Equivalent to "Quality over Quantity

The idea that spending more now, such as wholesale bulk - buying method, and investing more now will result in having more value over time and therefore less expense and more wealth! 

Example: pay more now for an electrician to fix the A/C instead of continually overpaying because of a broken A/C system, which will end up costing a lot more over time.

-" wait a little get a lot vs. immediate gratification and receive less"-

So as the the saying goes "Easy come, easy go"... Many times our investments don't show immediate results, many times we have to wait, sort of the same way you would wait to see a plant grow, continuously caring for the plant until you see the "fruit of your efforts"

Another concept - exponential growth/decline, very similar to the snowball effect, every action you take even the smallest ones will and eventually build up to the point that they begin to affect a person's finances if not maintained properly.

So, there you have it - I know there are a lot more financial concepts out there, but these are just a few to ponder on. I hope you liked reading my article!

Have a wonderful day/night!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Research on Morgue work

Lately I have taken a unique interest in wanting to know what it would be like to work in a morgue, mortuary, or funeral home....

Although this is a topic mostly seen by society as taboo, it is the epitome of the vision of death, a culmination in fact - "the end stage(s)" to be precise, a ceremony in a way... to certify "the end".

Similar to the fact that we use the toilet several times a day with not so much thought as to what is going on under those sewer pipes under the ground... the whole process, the people who make the toilet system a possibility every day, and the careers associated with that.

I did research on YouTube, across the web, and local research about career possibilities in the field with my local county coroner office, and the requirements seem to be varied? 

I have seen some morgues accept medical examiner workers with not so much as a high school diploma and interest in working alongside dead bodies on a 24/7 hourly shift basis, 

my local county coroner office as I have read has high standard requirements that an applicant be currently enrolled in Medical or Arts major in Post secondary school and that internships are "fierce competition" for forensic sciences, medical examiner, lab technician work... I have also learned of another occupation, a mortician, which embalms a dead body to prepare for a family viewing at a funeral. 

One lady I saw her interview on YouTube, she started off first in medical school, then began work in a funeral home and later received an embalming license to begin work as a mortician at a funeral home.

All of these studies have opened my eyes in a very very intense way, the pure and raw truth. To completely confront the end of life as we know it, and to still take care of these bodies and resolve mysteries?... it takes a lot of guts. 

For me personally, an enhanced connection with God, and with every single breath - an appreciation and grateful attitude for life. get to the nitty-gritty and understand "What Really Matters?!?" 
To be completely serious and literally stare death in the face and understand, this life is so precious... What will I do with it? What will I focus my mind on, my emotions, my soul, my time, my heart, my actions?
I will ask myself with every decision - Is it really worth it? Along the journey? In the end?

~ so breathe, meditate, & 
be sooo thankful for yet another day!!! ~

Another day to do better than yesterday, another day to live, to breathe, to smile, to see the sun, snow, or rain, another day to pray, to talk to a loved one, to do that thing you know you need to do but have been putting off for whatever reason, to make another effort in the right direction... 

A present 💝, hope, 
to all life every moment & every day!!! ✨🌱 ✨ Life ❤️

Do your very best!!! Don't waste it!!!!!