Sunday, October 11, 2020

Birthday time | Personal Experience with Astrology studies

"And Gd said, "Let there be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens, to separate between the day and between the night, and they shall be for signs and for appointed seasons and for days and years." (Genesis 1:14)

Today I would like to share my personal experience concerning the study of Astrology and why I come to my current perspective today on the topic of the stars. 🌟

There are many varied reasons to initiate delving into the study of astrology. 

Some study just for fun, out of habit, anxiety over what the future holds, to gain a little extra money on the side preparing astrology "readings", to make "compatibility charts" for couples, in an effort to find the truth, ... just a short list among other possible reasons.

My intense research of astrology  began 6 years ago in the year 2014, I was 15 years old in 9th grade of high school. 
At that time, I was undergoing tremendous stress and pressure in my school & personal life, as most teenagers at my age were. I wanted clarity and spiritual revelation in a world of pressure & confusion.

What I already knew about astrology is a closely held tradition in my family, 
my mother was constantly reminded by my grandmother of the time known as your "bad time", 
the time around the date you were born, the closer it is to your birthday, the more dangerous for your life, 
as it seems your soul is closer to the spiritual and therefore your body (opposite of spiritual) is automatically vulnerable to sudden accidents, emotional fluctuations, injuries, and even fatal incidents that can unexpectedly take a person from this life around the time of their birthday.
Take some time to notice when many people have left this world unexpectedly, ex: on the news, many times it was close to their birthday.

also, an individual's "bad time" can also endanger those in immediate physical proximity to them, so look after them as well.

With this background in mind, I already had a curiosity to know more about what astrology is but never really delved further.
At that time in my life 6 years ago then, I took every moment I had free to study astrology. I wanted to study much more than just the sun and the moon, I wanted to know all the little details. 

Over time I found out about asteroids, pallas, juno, ceres, vesta, and planetary points such as Ascendant, Midhaven, IC, DC, North & South Node, Midpoints, etc... I would go to the school library and study in the morning, at lunch, and whenever I stayed after school. 
I learned so much, I could talk about my findings for hours on end.

In the past before studying astrology I hadn't been able to think much positive about an individual, and was always prone to constantly highlighting negative points about myself & others in my head in a narrow minded way.
Over time I learned the primary inclinations of each individual and I was then able to connect to my fellow humans more compassionately, effectively and meaningfully.

With this new Astrology - Catagorizing mindset I was also more open and accepting of embracing what the future holds without hesitation, no matter what it be. Accepting that life itself is a learning process. I knew Gd supervises everything. And I didn't study astrology alone, I constantly prayed to Gd and followed my intuition, as I wanted to find the whole truth, and didn't expect astrology to serve as my mental-organizing-crutch forever.

I was able to see more in the long run and the big picture. How the little details are superficial and unimportant, and how some decisions at specific times in our life can change everything for less or more challenge, depending on the direction chosen. 

How very important it is to understand the limitations and possibilities for growth at a certain time period, and know when it is time to close a chapter and start a new one. 
When to just let go, let things be as they are. 
When to fight tooth & nail to make things right or just simply to survive.

My conclusion at the end of my half decade of study is that generalizing an individual with astrology is useless. 
Each individual has a bit of everything, and in the right place and time they can seem to be an entirely different individual. 
That is why choosing where to be in this world is so important, it really affects how we deal with the world and vice-versa.
For instance, I am a Virgo sun, however many times I come across as appearing to be a Libra sun, as my family comments to me so often. There is really no way to generalize an individual. We are much more unique and transformative than what can be put into a box.

However, what still stands true through all of my studies of astrology is the "bad time" concept and the fact that moving or traveling to a different location will change how others see and interact with you, and vice-versa.

So, please pay attention to your safety and take care of yourself and those in your immediate proximity around your birthday!

Also, if you are not having the best experience in one place in this world, do some research and travel to see if living in another place fits your life better.

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