Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Today simplicity has been on my mind. 
After so much time I have anxiously ran and stressed to complete my internal to-do-list, anticipating life, 

I stop to breathe, pray, meditate and think - 

"If I am pushing so much, 
stress, and time in this direction with little to no results, 
actually ending up most of the time exactly where I was before 
- despite all of my efforts, 
even trying new ways to achieve the same goal with the same boomerang effect..."

In a spiritual and reality driven mindset, the boomerang effect is a situation defined as clearly failed attempts that should be understood as pushing in the wrong direction.

Therefore the definition of insanity is further defined being characterized as irrationality;

So the boomerang effect in our own lives should serve as a sign, a  reflection of attempts in the wrong direction

So without further ado to continue my meditative thought, i did self talk to myself the following:

" I am enough. 
I know I have tried enough. 
I am constantly doing more effort that I possibly can, and more than I initially believed I could, 
to get where I need to be, 
as a person, as a family member, as a coworker, as a partner, as a soul... 

so now is the time to 
stop - 🚫

to stop 
anticipating, expecting, pushing, demanding, runningyearning, wanting....

now is the time to 
accept. ☑️

accept my current situation
accept and understand my efforts to improve the situation
accept I am not in full control of my situation
accept my own limitations
accept I may or may not have everything in my life the way I would like it to be
accept the pain, discomfort, impatience, 
pray to Gd and give it to Him, the Creator 

- let Gd take full control.
- surrender

surrender to life
surrender to truth
surrender to gratefulness
surrender to & accept the uncertainty
surrender to & accept the fear and anxiety
surrender to & accept the "failures"

✳️Be fully present

❇️Be fully alive

✳️Be fully love

❇️Be fully acceptance

✳️Be fully truth

Be simplicity - 

and just let life, go on."

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