Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Technology Pros & Cons

Technology pros & cons

I decided to write about the pros and cons of technology after an occurrence today....

Being born in the year 1998, generation Z, 
I have so many experiences with technology from an early age as I can remember - 
such as in my second grade class being taught to use a desktop computer - as well as using the desktop at home. Plus, all the other technology around the house, 

Pros ☑️

* Saves lives
- used in hospitals, care facilities

*routine life ( refrigerators, blender, can opener, blow dryer, washer, dryer, A/C, etc..), 
medical appliances (heating pad, etc...)

* Keep Family & close friend  communication from wherever they may be

* Contact law enforcement or state help line (911, 211 etc..)

* Remote work

* Play/record Music!

* Online learning/Classes

* Online business

* Wealth of information on the internet
- learn a new language, discuss/fix an issue (Youtube/WikiHow, ...), latest news, etc...
- book traveling, buy/rent a car online, online shopping, etc...

* keep up to date with email, 
notifications, calendar, etc ...

*Blogging / Venting Creativity
(Example : this blog! 😊)

* Government is using Internet platforms and going "Paperless"
- E-File Taxes - SSA online - USPS

* Paying Bills online

* COVID-19 SOCIAL DISTANCING YEAR 2019/2020 .......

* Technological Breakthroughs revolutionize society

Cons ❎

* inappropriate & unhealthy content online
- violent video games, pornography, tutorials on how to do something criminal/against the law/dangerous, human trafficking, scammers, etc.

* Social media
illusive & empty, lots of strangers, few real "friends"
- scammers
creates unhealthy habits, 
upsets circadian rhythm
- comparing oneself to others , slave to ego (external image)

- Randomly sending/preparing messages I never meant to write!!!
- ACCEPTING FRIENDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA I never meant to accept!!!
- Randomly calling people on my contact list...... all the time my phone is in my pocket I'm completely unaware 😰
(absolute nightmare)

* Online / long - distance/ virtual dating
- every man for himself!!! 😰 (read the technical difficulties above⬆️)
- Either talk too much or too little
- Never know what is happening on the other side
- Stranger danger
- "Dating" for a long or even short period of time only to figure out the person on the other side wants your money/personal information (scammer situation)

The newest of them all! 
and the most dangerous!!
careful not to accidentally tap and pay what you didn't mean to tap & pay! 
- information even more accessible to scammers/hackers due to availability on a technological, internet-connected platform

*Stealing sleep, 
upsetting circadian rhythm
( Phones, videogames, T.V., etc...)

* Light emitted from electronic devices damage vision over time, especially if used in a low light setting

* TEXTING/TALKING/Changing Radio Station, Music WHILE DRIVING 😰 
Please, mercy on us for this one! 🙏 
In a distracted circumstance can be outright deadly! 😰

* Extreme dependence on technology ("Cell phone Hospital" etc...)
- constantly connected 
- phone/Internet is a necessity in today's society

* Possiblity of negligence or error in factory production causing an electricity induced fire!

Ok, so I have summarized my view of the Pros and Cons of technology in the best of my knowledge, I'm sure there may be more to add, I might update this post later.

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