Sunday, November 29, 2020


Sometimes, many times, actually every day, 
we, each individual, receive signs and directions as to what to do & what not to do. 

Nothing is a coincidence. Everything has a lesson to teach us.

Absolutely nothing, not a text, not an annoyance, not a bad day, not a good day, not a technical glitch.... etc.... 

Many times our intuition tells us, from deep within to pay attention to a certain something in a certain way. 
At that exact moment we have a 
choice, either move that certain something to the forefront of our attention- without ignoring it - act  upon it in the way our intuition is guiding us. OR ---- Completely ignore and set it aside as if our mind is just making it up and/or it doesn't matter so much.

Many times I have been guided by my intuition and have chosen to push it aside because I just thought I was making stuff up in my mind that "doesn't exist" or "not so important" or "just a coincidence" or "I don't know how I'm going to do that."

For sure, nothing is "just a coincidence" and we must come to giving attention to our intuition. We must consider that there was a reason why we thought or caught our attention on a certain thing at a certain moment in a certain way.

Don't exactly justify everything as valid at first sight, our mind can and does wander, just be more keen on noticing the difference when our intuition is speaking louder than normal trying to get our attention - and give proper consideration with respect to all involved, in the past, present, and future.

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